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It’s my job as a financial advisor to help others manage their money: Here’s how you can manage your money

The process of managing your finances can seem complex and time-consuming at first even when all the information is readily available. Being in control of your financial position however can help you better prepare to face the challenges of tomorrow. I am an financial planner and though I often help others in their financial affairs however, I do make the time to take care of my own. Here are four tips I employ to efficiently manage my money.

Oak Park Financial says that you have many options to save your money.

I adhere to my spending schedule.

There isn’t a universal way to budget, but there is a method that works to employ often. In the process of recording your expenses and saving frequently will allow you to better be aware of how your money is coming from and where it is going. Recognizing your spending habits is vital for developing better money habits.

I would suggest adhering to the budgeting technique is most suitable for your needs. I budget in a traditional method by using a spreadsheet that I created by myself. I track everything down to an item-levelsuch as, for instance I have one line item for Amazon purchases, and another one for subscriptions to media. While this level of detail might not be suitable ideal for everyone, it can help me identify which areas I am spending the most of my money and how I can make savings.

To make sure I don’t forget to not forget, I record my purchases every day. I’ll look at my monthly expenses at the close of each month to check if I’m in line to achieve my bigger financial objectives. This means I’ll be able to make necessary changes to the following month.

I review my financial situation every year.

I take a moment at the conclusion of each year and look back at the past one-year period of my financial plan. I review my goals once more and assess how I’m doing in achieving them. Also, this is when I’ll modify my plan of action.

I’ll be paying particular attention to my portfolio’s investment allocation. If I feel it is necessary to be rebalanced I’ll endeavor to sell my shares prior to the end of the year to ensure that I can deduct any investment losses from my tax. I also like to pat my self on the back for each good thing I’ve accomplished however small. Recognizing myself for sticking up with my goals will allow me to maintain my good habits in the near future.

I set up an automatic savings.

I currently have a four-month emergency fund and a high yield savings account to save for “fun” items like travel or expensive clothes. I have two portfolios of investments and three retirement accounts, I have a 401(k), Roth IRA and a Roth 401(k).

I save around thirty percent of total income and 13% of that goes into retirement accounts and the remainder going to savings and investments. I frequently contribute money to these accounts, yet I do not need consider it since I automate all of my contributions.

It takes only some time for setting up however it helps me not neglect to contribute a contribution. It also aids me to prioritize my savings and decreases the temptation to spend cash instead of saving it. I have also set up automatic payments for all of my expenses one of the worst things you’d want to worry about is the late payment of rent.

I have set realistic and flexible financial goals that are flexible and reasonable.

Every person should have financial goals However, they should be realistic to yourself and financial situation. They must align with your personal life and goals. I do not want to live in a rental for the rest of my life and one of my objectives is to save to buy my own house. Another goal my own is to get retired earlier. I break my goals down into achievable steps towards achieving them once I’ve established the goals.

In one instance, I used calculators to calculate how much I’ll need to retire and I’m putting every month a portion of the same amount. I’m also setting aside money every month to save up for an down payment on my first house.

Financial goals can be large or modest, for instance I’ve just saved enough to purchase a pair shoes that I’ve been eyeing for a longtime, and am putting aside money to travel to Japan in the coming year. Setting goals is designed to inspire you and help you stay in the right direction.